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Англо-русский биологический словарь - open


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Перевод с английского языка open на русский


1) открытый

2) распустившийся, расцветший

3) разреженный, редкостойный

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См. в других словарях

  verdict leg. признание наличия преступления без установления преступника OPEN water вода, очистившаяся от льда OPEN work noun  1) ажурная ткань, строчка; мережка  2) mining открытые работы, открытая разработка  3) attr. ажурный; open work stockings - ажурные чулки OPEN circuit разомкнутая цепь OPEN contempt явное презрение; OPEN countenance открытое лицо; OPEN day noun день открытых дверей (в учебном заведении) OPEN field открытое поле; OPEN ice лед, не мешающий навигации OPEN  1. adj.  1) открытый; in the open air - на открытом воздухе; with open eyes - с открытыми глазами; fig. сознательно, учитывая все последствия; - open sore - break open - throw open - tear open - open boat  2) открытый, доступный; незанятый; an open port - открытый порт; the post is still open - место еще не занято; - open market - be open to - open season - trial in open court - open letter  3) открытый, откровенный; искренний; - open contempt - open countenance - be open with  4) нерешенный, незавершенный; open question - открытый вопрос  5) свободный (о пути); - open water  6) открытый, непересеченный (о местности); - open field - open space  7) щедрый; гостеприимный; to welcome with open arms - встречать с распростертыми объятиями; an open house - открытый дом; an open hand - щедрая рука  8) мягкий (о земле)  9) phon. открытый (о слоге, звуке) he is an open book - его легко понять to force an open door - ломиться...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. открытое место, пространство 2. турнир типа "опен" 3. открытый воздух he likes to sleep in open —- он любит спать на открытом воздухе 4. известность, гласность life in the open —- жизнь у всех на виду the scandal is now out in the open —- эта скандальная история стала всеобщим достоянием 5. эк. открытый рынок to come into the open —- открыться, разотровенничаться he came into the open about what had happened —- он выложил все о том, что произошло why don't you come into the open about it? —- почему бы тебе не рассказать об этом откровенно? 6. открытый, раскрытый open window —- открытое окно with open eyes —- с открытыми глазами to throw the door open —- распахнуть дверь to leave the window open —- оставить окно открытым to tear a letter open —- распечатать письмо 7. непересеченный, открытый open country —- открытая местность 8. открытый, свободный open way —- свободный путь open credit —- открытый кредит 9. открытый, не имеющий верха open motor car —- открытая машина open boat —- беспалубное судно dress open at the neck —- платье без ворота 10. неприкрытьый open drain —- открытая сточная труба open drainage —- дренаж открытыми канавами 11. неплотный; имеющий полости, впадины 12. раскрытый, развернутый open plam —- раскрытая ладонь open book —- открытая книга open newpaper —- развернутая газета with open wings —- с...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) открытый 2) распустившийся, расцветший 3) разреженный, редкостойный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – to open to public inspection OPEN 1. прил. 1) открытый 2) доступный • - open account - open an account - open cheque - open communicator - open competition - open contract - open cover - open credit - open door policy - open market - open negotiation - open negotiations - open outcry - open trade - remain open 2. гл. 1) открывать(ся) 2) начинать(ся) - open a credit with a bank - open an account with a bank - open business relations - open negotiations ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) безлопаточный 2) беспалубный 3) вскрывать 4) гласный 5) наружный 6) начальный 7) начинать 8) электр. незамкнутый 9) незаросший 10) незаштрихованный 11) открываться 12) открытый 13) развальный 14) размыкать 15) разомкнутый 16) раскрытый 17) распечатывать 18) светлый 19) сквозной almost open mapping — почти открытое отображение almost open subset — почти открытое подмножество base of open set — база открытого множества bicompactly open topology — бикомпактно открытая топология bounded open interval — ограниченный открытый интервал boundedly open topology — ограниченно открытая топология compartment is open to sea — отсек имеет пробоину finely open set — конечно открытое множество force door open — открывать дверь принудительно functionally open set — функционально открытое множество language of open formulas — язык открытых формул left open interval — открытый слева интервал normally open cover — нормально открытое покрытие normally open switch — нормально разомкнутый выключатель open in rays set — открытое по лучам множество open loop of system — размыкать систему open mapping theorem — теорема об открытости отображения (в функциональном анализе) open out a hole — разваливать отверстие open press tool — открытый штамп open propositional function — открытая пропозициональная функция open sand casting — литье...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) отверстие 2) открытое пространство 3) открывать(ся); раскрывать(ся) открытый 4) эл. обрыв; разрыв; размыкание; отключение обрывать; разрывать; размыкать; отключать разомкнутый; незамкнутый; отключенный 5) вскрывать (окно в слое оксида) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., v., & n. --adj. 1 not closed or locked or blocked up; allowing entrance or passage or access. 2 a (of a room, field, or other area) having its door or gate in a position allowing access, or part of its confining boundary removed. b (of a container) not fastened or sealed; in a position or with the lid etc. in a position allowing access to the inside part. 3 unenclosed, unconfined, unobstructed (the open road; open views). 4 a uncovered, bare, exposed (open drain; open wound). b Sport (of a goal mouth or other object of attack) unprotected, vulnerable. 5 undisguised, public, manifest; not exclusive or limited (open scandal; open hostilities). 6 expanded, unfolded, or spread out (had the map open on the table). 7 (of a fabric) not close; with gaps or intervals. 8 a (of a person) frank and communicative. b (of the mind) accessible to new ideas; unprejudiced or undecided. 9 a (of an exhibition, shop, etc.) accessible to visitors or customers; ready for business. b (of a meeting) admitting all, not restricted to members etc. 10 a (of a race, competition, scholarship, etc.) unrestricted as to who may compete. b (of a champion, scholar, etc.) having won such a contest. 11 (of government) conducted in an informative manner receptive to enquiry, criticism, etc., from the public. 12 (foll. by to) a willing to receive (is open to offers). b (of a choice, offer, or opportunity) still available (there are three courses open to us). c likely to suffer from or be affected by (open to abuse). 13 a (of the mouth) with lips apart, esp. in surprise or incomprehension. b (of the ears or eyes) eagerly attentive. 14 Mus. a (of a string) allowed to vibrate along its whole length. b (of a pipe) unstopped at each end. c (of a note) sounded from an open string or pipe. 15 (of an electrical circuit) having a break in the conducting path. 16 (of the bowels) not constipated. 17 (of a return ticket) not restricted as to day of travel. 18 (of a cheque) not crossed. 19 (of a boat) without a deck. 20 (of a river or harbour) free of ice. 21 (of the weather or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~er; ~est)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German offan ~, Old English up up  Date: before 12th century  1. having no enclosing or confining barrier ; accessible on all or nearly all sides cattle grazing on an ~ range  2.  a.  (1) being in a position or adjustment to permit passage ; not shut or locked an ~ door  (2) having a barrier (as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage the house was ~  b. having the lips parted stood there with his mouth wide ~  c. not buttoned or zipped an ~ shirt  3.  a. completely free from concealment ; exposed to general view or knowledge their hostilities eventually erupted with ~ war  b. exposed or vulnerable to attack or question ; subject ~ to doubt  c. being an operation or surgical procedure in which an incision is made such that the tissues are fully exposed  4.  a. not covered with a top, roof, or lid an ~ car her eyes were ~  b. having no protective covering ~ wiring an ~ wound  5. not restricted to a particular group or category of participants ~ to the public ~ housing: as  a. enterable by both amateur and professional contestants an ~ tournament  b. enterable by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation an ~ primary  6. fit to be traveled over ; presenting no obstacle to passage or view the ~ road ~ country  7. having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded position ; spread out ; unfolded an ~ book  8.  a.  (1) low 13  (2) formed with the tongue in a lower position Italian has an ~ and a close e  b.  (1) having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat an ~ vocal tone  (2) of a tone produced by an ~ string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys  9.  a. available to follow or make use of the only course ~ to us  b. not taken up with duties or engagements keep an hour ~ on Friday  c. not finally decided ; subject to further consideration the salary is ~ an ~ question  d. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (opens, opening, opened) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you open something such as a door, window, or lid, or if it opens, its position is changed so that it no longer covers a hole or gap. He opened the window and looked out... The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out. ? close, shut VERB: V n, V • Open is also an adjective. ...an open window... A door had been forced open. ADJ 2. If you open something such as a bottle, box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside. The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes... The capsules are fiddly to open. VERB: V n, V n • Open is also an adjective. ...an open bottle of milk... I tore the letter open. ADJ • Open up means the same as open. He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 3. If you open something such as a book, an umbrella, or your hand, or if it opens, the different parts of it move away from each other so that the inside of it can be seen. He opened the heavy Bible... The officer’s mouth opened, showing white, even teeth. VERB: V n, V • Open is also an adjective. Without warning, Bardo smacked his fist into his open hand... His mouth was a little open, as if he’d started to scream. ADJ • Open out means the same as open. Keith took a map from the dashboard and opened it out on his knees. ...oval tables which open out to become circular. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P, also V P n (not pron) 4. If you open a computer file, you give the computer an instruction to display it on the screen. (COMPUTING) Double click on the icon to open the file. VERB: V n 5. When you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards, for example when you wake up, so that you can see. When I opened my eyes I saw a man with an axe standing at the end of my bed... His eyes were opening wide. VERB: V n, V • Open is also an adjective. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj »NOT CLOSED« 1 »DOOR/CONTAINER« not closed, so that you can go through, take things out, or put things in  (an open window | I guess I did leave the door open. | I can't get this milk open. | wide open (=completely open))  (The door was wide open and we could hear everything she said. | fly/blow/burst open)  (A suitcase fell off the cart and burst open. | push/slide/throw sth open)  (Fran flung the window open and screamed. | tear/rip sth open)  (He snatched the envelope from me and ripped it open.) 2 »EYES/MOUTH« not closed  (I was so sleepy, I couldn't keep my eyes open. | wide open (=completely open))  (Ben gaped at me, his mouth wide open.) 3 »BOOK« a book that is open has its pages moved apart so that you can read it  (A book lay open on the table.) 4 »NOT BLOCKED« if a road or line of communication is open, it is not blocked and can be used  (We try to keep the mountain roads open all through the winter.) 5 »CLOTHES« not fastened  (His shirt was open at the neck.) »NOT ENCLOSED« 6 only before noun not behind a cover or surrounded by a structure  (goods displayed on the open shelves | An open fire is cosier than central heating.) 7 open country/fields/space countryside where there are no buildings, walls etc  (To the east, through miles of suburban streets, lay the open country.) 8 the open sea sea that is far from any land  (The battered boat slowly drifted out towards the open sea.) 9 the open road roads that you can travel on freely or quickly  (The thought of the open road is already making my feet itch.) »NOT UNDER A ROOF/COVER« 10 in the open air/ (out) in the open outdoors  (In the summer we have our meals in the open air. | It was too cold to spend the night out in the open.)  (- see also open­air) 11 »NOT COVERED« without a roof or cover  (an open limousine | an open sewer | open to the sky/elements (=without a roof)) »READY FOR SERVICE« 12 »SHOP/BANK ETC« allowing customers to enter and ready to serve them  (The bank is open until 12.00 on Saturdays.) 13 »DECLARE STH OPEN«...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. One Planet Education Network firm name abbr. Opencar Pleasure And Entertainment Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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